Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Desmos Animation 101: Image Orientation

Play with this graph. How does each variable change the arrow images?

I made the graph above to explore how the following function controlled the angle of the leaves in Suzanne von Oy's The Tree of All Seasons.

Here's a related challenge: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/3seqxrpsbi
Can you move the leaves to tree 2 and adjust the angle of the leaves so they are facing away from the center of the tree?

Question: What are other uses of this function that people might explore before working on the The Tree of All Seasons problem?

Note: I am interested in exploring what a Desmos art/animation course would look like for personal reasons, but also I am interested in exploring what it would look like because I'd love to see a course like this offered at the high school or college level as a math elective.

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